Autoimmune illnesses – retrain the mind & body with hypnosis to improve immune function
Quite often when you are diagnosed with an auto immune system, you are told that there is no cure for it but all they can do is attempt to control it.
Once overcoming the relief that you are not actually going mad and that you haven’t been imagining the symptoms, quite often there is a tendency to google everything until you frighten yourself to death while wearing the label of the new diagnosis and joining support groups. Putting this all together and you have manifested a total focus on the illness.
Autoimmune diseases are common and affect more than 23.5 million people and are a leading cause of death and disability. By retraining the mind and body and making some small realistic changes can have a massive impact on symptoms.
The major contributors of autoimmune disease are related to social environment, our physical, emotional and mental being and choice of lifestyle.
Hypnosis for autoimmune diseases is proving to be powerfully effective in alleviating symptoms and there is clinical evidence that hypnosis can alter the immune system response. The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 38(2), 71-79 cites a study by Ruzya-Smith, where only hypnotised patients had significant alteration of immune response. Also, the Journal of Psychiatric Research 36(3), 179-187 cites a study by Ford, E.A. That concluded that pleasant imagery was an effective intervention in reducing fibromyalgia pain during the 28 day study period.
If you would like further information or to book an initial session, then get in contact with me by completing the get in touch form at: or email, alternatively you can call on 07388 540493.